
Se disuelve Jag Panzer
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Autor:  FISU [ Mar Jul 26, 2011 1:22 pm ]
Asunto:  Se disuelve Jag Panzer

En la página oficial de los americanos JAG PANZER, podemos leer un comunicado oficial emitido por el guitarrista y fundador de la banda, Mark Briody, en el que anuncia el fin de la misma después de tres décadas sobre los escenarios:

"Estamos orgullosos de todos los discos que hemos sacado y del apoyo que hemos recibido de la comunidad Heavy Metal. Hemos tocado en muchos lugares alrededor de todo el mundo y hemos aprovechado cada minuto. Pero ha llegado el momento en el que no podemos seguir adelante como banda".

Recordemos que, hace menos de una semana, el guitarrista Christian Lasegue, anunciaba su marcha del grupo para dedicarse de pleno a sus estudios.

Aqui el comunicado de la banda

“We are proud of every album we released and the support we received from the heavy metal community,” states guitarist and founder Mark Briody. ” We’ve played so many places around the world and enjoyed every minute of it but the time has come where we just cannot move forward as a band.”

Guitarist Christian Lasegue left the band last month to pursue his degree full time. “Christian did an amazing job on The Scourge of the Light and it was a pleasure working with him,” continues Briody. ”We wished Christian well but kept this quiet until we found a replacement.”

Drummer Rikard Stjernquist says,”Several guitar players applied for the job. It was a pleasant surprise to see so many young guitarists with advanced chops. One player, 19 year old Jake Dreyer, submitted videos of him nailing solos from both Chris Broderick and Christian Lasegue. We were ready to welcome Jake into the band but unfortunately that will not happen. There is no doubt in any of our minds that Jake will go on to be a household name in his own right.”

Bassist John Tetley adds a final statement:” In closing, we’d like to send out a huge heartfelt THANK YOU to metal fans throughout the world. You all rule!”


Autor:  IronSentinel [ Mar Jul 26, 2011 1:26 pm ]
Asunto:  Re: Se disuelve Jag Panzer

siempre es un bajon cuando bandas como esta se disuelven..
no soy fanatico pero aparte de "Ample Destruction" siempre me gusto el no conocido "Chain Of Command"

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