
Murio Jani Lane, vocalista de Warrant
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Autor:  catocha [ Vie Ago 12, 2011 1:24 am ]
Asunto:  Murio Jani Lane, vocalista de Warrant

El vocalsta y frontman de Warrant, Jani Lane, fue encontrado muerto fue encontrado en un motel Comfort Inn en Woodland Hills
Hasta el momento, no hay causa oficial de muerte ha sido liberado o determinado.


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Autor:  skidhead77 [ Vie Ago 12, 2011 1:34 am ]
Asunto:  Re: Murio Jani Lane, vocalista de Warrant

Ya venia entrando y saliendo de rehabilitaciones de alcoholismo hace años, se acabó Warrant QEPD.

Autor:  michael-schenker [ Vie Ago 12, 2011 9:09 am ]
Asunto:  Fallecio Jani Lane (Ex-Warrant)


ani Lane - ex vocalista de la banda de rock Warrant, fue encontrado muerto en un hotel en Los Angeles la noche del jueves
El uerpo de Lane fue encontrado en el hotel Comfort Inn en Woodland Hills, CA. Hasta el momento, no se sabe las causa de su muerte.


Lane famoso escritor del más grande éxito de Warrant "Cherry Pie" en 1989, antes de dejar la banda para seguir su carrera en solitario.

Lane había tenido una historia de temas relacionados con el alcohol - que fue condenado a 120 días en la cárcel después de ser arrestado por DUI en 2010 ... su segundo DUI en dos años.

Jani Lane tenia 47 años.

Autor:  metal_lord [ Vie Ago 12, 2011 9:11 am ]
Asunto:  Re: Fallecio Jani Lane (Ex-Warrant)

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Que garron loco!!!


Que en paz descanse...

Autor:  catocha [ Vie Ago 12, 2011 9:14 am ]
Asunto:  Re: Murio Jani Lane, vocalista de Warrant

Post unidos!

Autor:  Joestin [ Vie Ago 12, 2011 9:53 am ]
Asunto:  Re: Murio Jani Lane, vocalista de Warrant

Alta patada en las bolas u.u Ayer a la noche me dijo el Kurko, un garron de la puta madre che...

Autor:  IronSentinel [ Vie Ago 12, 2011 10:59 am ]
Asunto:  Re: Murio Jani Lane, vocalista de Warrant

uff y eso que estaban por venir.. aunque se cancelo..

Autor:  verometal [ Vie Ago 12, 2011 1:47 pm ]
Asunto:  Re: Murio Jani Lane, vocalista de Warrant

creo que nadie sabe el inmenso dolor que esto me causó cuando hoy abrí el mail... :timonypumba: :( El vocalista mas amado por mí y que alguna vez soñé con ver en vivo y nunca se me dió...
Ojalá que en paz descanse.... :(

Jani Lane, who fronted the glossy rock band Warrant during the days of hair metal, was found dead in a motel room in Woodland Hills, Calif. Thursday evening of undetermined causes, TMZ has learned. He was 47.

Details are scarce, but Lane was reportedly discovered at a Comfort Inn near Los Angeles.

Known for his golden boy looks and a voice that hearkened back to the 1970s era of arena rock wailers, Lane penned many of Warrant's huge hits, including "Down Boys," "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and the band's biggest charter, the 1989 ballad "Heaven."

He also preened and grinned in the band's most memorable contribution to popular culture, the brazenly sexist video for the 1990 camp hit, "Cherry Pie."

He left Warrant in 2004 and a year later a bloated Lane surfaced to clean up his act during the 2005 season of VH1's "Celebrity Fit Club." A healthier Lane rejoined the group in 2008 only to leave it again months later, this time for good, over business matters.

Lane was arrested twice in recent years on DUI charges and he ended up serving time in jail.

In recent years he has worked on a solo career and has acted as a hired gun as recently at 2010 for "Once Bitten Twice Shy" band Great White.

Lane was born John Kennedy Oswald in Akron, Ohio on Feb. 1 1964 -- the name a nod to the president who had been assassinated the year before. His parents soon changed his middle name to Patrick. Throughout his youth he played the drums but his good looks and huge voice pushed him to the microphone.

He adopted his stage name around 1983 and a couple years later moved to Los Angeles searching for fame -- which he found after teaming up with core members of Warrant.

From 1989 to 2001 Lane appeared and was the primary songwriter for six studio albums. Two of them -- 1989's "Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich" and 1990's "Cherry Pie" -- went on to go double platinum. Like so many other hair metal bands, though, Warrant couldn't overcome the grunge juggernaut and they were never able to replicate their early chart success.

Lane was married three times, first to model Bobbie Brown, who was featured in the "Cherry Pie" video. According to his website and Twitter profile, Lane's third wife is named Kimberly and he leaves behind four children, Taylar, Brittany, Madison and Ryan.

jani lane for ever.. gracias por años de magia..

Autor:  Vanee [ Vie Ago 12, 2011 3:13 pm ]
Asunto:  Re: Murio Jani Lane, vocalista de Warrant

Que bajón che! No soy una gran fanática de Warrant pero varios temas me gustaban.

Autor:  PeaceMaker [ Vie Ago 12, 2011 3:17 pm ]
Asunto:  Re: Murio Jani Lane, vocalista de Warrant

Diabético y adicto al cherry pie... una gran tragedia :_Eblack:


[metalmetal]el topic de Leo Matiolli tiene y tendrá más páginas... CARETAS!!![/metalmetal]

Autor:  verometal [ Vie Ago 12, 2011 11:32 pm ]
Asunto:  Re: Murio Jani Lane, vocalista de Warrant

me gustó mucho lo que dijo sebastian bach:

Jani Lane: His Only Real Friend... That Killed Him in the End RIP

People have been asking me about Jani Lane & I really don't know what to say. Picturing him by himself in a Comfort Inn in Woodland Hills with a bottle of vodka & a bottle of pills is so typical of what a rock musicians life actually is. It is a life marked by extremes. Extreme attention from people you don't know, while all the work & travel takes you away from those you actually do know. Playing to thousands of people & then going back to your hotel room & shutting the door. When the door shuts... the quiet is the exact opposite of the volume of the concert. The solitude of the empty hotel room becomes the diametric parallel of the adulation of strangers. For some, the bottle of vodka or whatever becomes a friend that is always there for you while others come & go. Yes I have felt these emotions myself. If you see me going head over heels over a girl, it's because all I have ever wanted is to have a girl to love & share my life with, & for the one I love to be with me wherever I'm at, travel with me to distant locales & stay in nice kick ass hotel suites & have fun & sing & dance & see the world. But so far this is a fantasy. Just like Jani, I spend most of my time alone in a hotel room dreaming of a girl I love who is somewhere else. I bet Jani Lane felt exactly what I feel. How could he not?

I remember decades ago being invited to Janis house for a barbeque, which we went to. But Jani didn't show up. So I spent the afternoon with Janis dad cooking burgers & steaks & having a wonderful day with his family. My condolences to his family & especially Janis children who now only have memories of their dad to hold on to. That is truly heartbreaking. Let this be yet another lesson to tell someone some kind words sometimes... before it's too late... while they are still alive. I can guarantee Jani Lane would not have anticipated everyone coming out of the woodwork extolling the life & times of Jani Lane. Which is why he probably died alone. In a hotel room. With his only real friend...that killed him in the end.

DuffMcKagan64 Duff McKagan
So sorry to hear about Jani Lane. His family must be devastated. No one should have to be alone in a motel those last moments.

Slash Slash
Just heard about Jani Lane. What a shame. RIP man.

todonoticias TN - Todo Noticias
El hair metal llora la muerte de Jani Lane.

Vh1Classic VH1 Classic
R.I.P. Jani Lane. Our condolences go out to his friends and family

R.I.P. Jani Lane. We offer our condolences to his family. You will be missed.

MichaelStarrr Steel Panther
It truly saddens me to lose Jani Lane.You were my inspiration for what I love to do: ROCK!

MatDauzat Mat Dauzat
47 is WAY too young to go. Wow. Sad. R.I.P. Jani Lane.

michaelhsweet Michael Sweet
My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Jani Lane. Had the pleasure of meeting him on TMS and he was a great guy.

EddieTrunk Eddie Trunk
All my sources sadly confirm Jani Lane has passed away. So sad. Just had a great time with him in LA. RIP. Another talent gone way to soon

Lástima que las cosas se dicen después de muertos... Que maldita costumbre..

Autor:  Thrasherpibe [ Vie Ago 12, 2011 11:48 pm ]
Asunto:  Re: Murio Jani Lane, vocalista de Warrant

Que pena, Q.E.P.D

Autor:  Ana Sïxx [ Sab Ago 13, 2011 1:35 pm ]
Asunto:  Re: Murio Jani Lane, vocalista de Warrant

nose que decir, me entere ayer mientras trabajaba y me quede :| ...
Warrant fue una de las primeras bandas que escuche del hard rock, les tenia un inmenso cariño aunque ultimamente no la escuchaba mucho... Jani para mi, tenia muy buena voz...ahora no me animo a ver los videos y saber que ya no esta :( Una de las bandas que me quedo la vena de nunca poder ver.. Que descanse en paz... :(

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