
Ozzy Osbourne - You're No different
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Autor:  Neon_Knight [ Jue Oct 10, 2013 4:56 pm ]
Asunto:  Ozzy Osbourne - You're No different

¿Cuantas veces me vas a deprimir
hasta que te enteres en tu interior?
Si elegís criticar, elegís tus enemigos...
Todo lo que digo y hago
para vos siempre está mal,
decime donde encajo en esta sociedad enferma.

No sos diferente a mi, si,
no sos diferente, diferente a mi.

Mirate a vos, en lugar de mirarme a mi
con ojos acusadores,
¿Me querés crucificar por tu profanidad?
Ocultando tus crímenes tras un campo de mentiras.
Decime donde debo empezar.
Si no tenés ningún pecado tirá la primera piedra.

No sos diferente a mi, si,
no sos diferente, diferente a mi.
No sos diferente a mi, si,
no sos diferente, diferente a mi.

¿No podés ver, (no podés ver)
que no sos diferente a mi?
¿No vas a ver, (no vas a ver)
que no sos diferente a mi?

Vivo mi vida de la forma que elijo,
¿y me decís que debería avergonzarme?
¿Es envidia lo que hay en tus ojos reflejando tus celos?
Decime la verdad, y me declararé culpable,
si es que intentas entender...
¿Es esa sangre en tu mano la de tu democracia?

No sos diferente a mi, si,
no sos diferente, diferente a mi.
No sos diferente a mi, si,
no sos diferente, diferente a mi.
How many times can you put me down
until in your heart you realize?
If you chose to criticise, you choose your enemies...
Everything that I say and do
in your eyes is always wrong,
tell me where do I belong in a sick society.

You're no different to me, yeah,
you're no different, no different to me.

Look at yourself, instead of looking at me
with accusation in your eyes,
do you want me crucified for my profanity?
Concealing your crimes behind a grandeur of lies.
Tell me where do I begin.
If you think you're without sin be the first to cast the stone.

You're no different to me, yeah,
you're no different, no different to me.
You're no different to me, yeah,
you're no different, no different to me.

Can't you see, (can't you see)
you're no different to me?
Won't you see, (won't you see)
you're no different to me?

Living my life in a way that I choose,
and you say I should apologize?
Is that envy in your eyes reflecting jealousy?
Tell me the truth, and I'll admit to my guilt,
if you'll try and understand...
Is that blood that's on your hand from your democracy?

You're no different to me, yeah,
you're no different, no different to me.
You're no different to me, yeah,
you're no different, no different to me.

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