Administrador del Sitio |
Registrado: Jue Jul 29, 2010 6:06 pm Mensajes: 116
The posts of concert dates must include the following data:Topic title:
Name of the main band/s
Auditorium Always with the following structure: Band 1, Band 2 | Date, City, Auditorium Respecting spaces and without omitting any data. In case all data doesn't fit in topic title, will continue in the topic description.
Message body:
Image with flyer of the event*
Name of main band/s
Name of support band/s
Comments or pertinent clarifications* Respecting order above exposed.
* = Optional Important:
All mandatory information specified in the message body must be present, either in writing or through the flyer.
For more information about the band or bands that will play on that date, may be added at the end of the message body, any kind of information and even links to extend this information (always between [CODE]) such as the official website of the band or MySpace, for example.
Only can be posted confirmed dates, either by producer or the band itself. The rumors or speculations cannot be posted on the concert dates forum. If the rumor is from reliable source, can be posted on Music Land --> Noticias.
In no case may be posted more than one date by topic, only it is allowed a single date by post, no matter if it's the same tour. Whenever we talk about different day or location, we post on a different topic, the only exception is a dual function in the same place the same day.
Once the date is past, the topic will be deleted without advice. Any comment, review or event pics, must be posted in Music Land --> Reviews.
If the date is canceled, the topic will be edited, stating it in the description; and it will be closed.