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NotaPublicado: Sab Dic 11, 2010 9:50 pm 
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Registrado: Mié Ago 04, 2010 9:51 pm
Mensajes: 137
Ubicación: Curuzú Cuatiá, Corrientes
Les hago un resumen de la noticia. Al final esta la nota original en ingles.

El asunto es que "El Rey" tuvo Multiples Infartos de Corazón. Fue llevado de urgencia en ambulancia hacia el hospital, alli los estudios arrojaron ese resultado.

La unica solución, era una "Cirugia a Corazon Abierto", que basicamente consta, en abrir el torax, sacar el corazón y detener el funcionamiento (una maquina trabaja por el) para realizar la "reparacion".

La operacion duro 7 horas. Salio todo bien. Luego de dos dias post operacion ya camina y se alimenta por si solo.

La banda sigue trabajando, no hay noticias de separacion ni nada que se parezca. Espera recuperarse pronto para seguir trabajando en su musica, terminar los DVDs y salir de Gira. Pero todo esto hasta que se mejore totalmente, lo cual llevara su tiempo.

Hi Everyone,

Livia here.

Let me catch you all up on the past couple of weeks' happenings, because it affects many things.

On Monday the 29th of November, King had to be transported to the nearby hospital by ambulance. After several different tests were done and the EKG machine showing abnormalities, the doctors recommended that he get a cardiac catheterization.

Cardiac catheterization is a procedure where the doctors lead a very thin tube up from the leg and into the heart, where it injects dye into the bloodstream. Then a camera at the end of the tube takes many pictures of the heart's arteries, looking for blockages.

After this was done, they determined that King had several heart attacks, and three of his heart's arteries were the cause: one was completely blocked, the second was 90% blocked, and the third was 65% blocked.

The only solution to this was an open heart triple bypass surgery.

If you are interested in the details of how this surgery is performed, please look it up online. I will only touch on the basics.

The sternum (breastbone) is cut in half and pulled apart, to expose the heart. Veins are harvested from other places of the body, in King's case it was his left leg and chest wall. The person is then hooked up to a machine that practically does the job of the heart, circulating and oxygenating the blood.

The heart is then stopped, and the lungs collapse (the lungs stop working since the blood is being oxygenated by the machine). The surgeon then sews the harvested veins in place, bypassing the found blockages. Once the surgery is done, the surgeon moves the ribs and breastbone back into place and wires it together. The chest is closed as well. They use an electric pulse to start the heart and a breathing machine is lead into the lungs to restart breathing.

King's surgery took approximately 7 hours.

Everything went well, and King was taken to ICU for recovery. He was walking and eating solid food already 2 days after the operation, and he was the first one in the history of the hospital who walked on his own power from the ICU to normal care. 10 days after the ambulance took him to the emergency room, he is at home and is recovering well. It will be a few months before he feels completely normal and is without pain.

He would like to mention here that he's eternally grateful for the wonderful staff at Centennial Medical Center who took care of him. Dr. Kourlis, Dr. Kamili, Dr. Alang, Nurse Christie and Nurse Thomas among many others made sure that he got the best care and attention he could ever have hoped for.

They were always very nice to me too, letting me stay overnight in the ICU after visiting hours were over.

In light of this, he will be taking a break from music and the music business altogether until further notice.

He very much wants to write new music, finish the DVDs, and go on tour, but for now, all those things are in the distant future and he's not thinking about them.

Please understand that the King Diamond band is not stopping, disbanding or anything of the sort. King's health is first priority, and when everything is going good with him, the music will resume.

Thank you all very much for reading this and STAY HEAVY,


Fuente: Facebook

Respect the Old-School!!!!

NotaPublicado: Sab Dic 11, 2010 9:54 pm 
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Registrado: Mié Ago 04, 2010 9:44 pm
Mensajes: 1532
Ubicación: Claypole
Nooo que bajon

esto me hace acordar a :



NotaPublicado: Sab Dic 11, 2010 10:02 pm 
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Registrado: Mié Ago 11, 2010 11:55 pm
Mensajes: 513
Ubicación: Lanús - Bs As
:S :S :S

Que SUERTE!!! :D

Recuperate King!!! :viking:


NotaPublicado: Sab Dic 11, 2010 10:08 pm 
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Registrado: Mié Ago 04, 2010 8:51 pm
Mensajes: 922
Ubicación: Santa Fe Capital, Santa Fe

Lheikhov The Wolf

Inteligencia Militar Son Dos Terminos Contrapuestos (Groucho Marx)
Es Mejor Tener Un Pasado Breve Que Un Futuro Escaso (Joaquin Salvador Lavado - "Quino")
Estoy Completamente A Favor De La Separación Entre La Iglesia Y El Estado. Mi Idea Es Que Estas Dos Instituciones Nos Han Jodido Bastante Cada Una Por Su Cuenta, Así Que Las Dos Juntas Serían La Muerte (George Carlin)

NotaPublicado: Sab Dic 11, 2010 10:22 pm 
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Registrado: Jue Ago 05, 2010 3:50 pm
Mensajes: 1636
Ubicación: Neuquen, Neuquen
q se recupere pronto :metal:

And I swear to defend
And we'll fight to the end
And I swear that I'll never
Be taken alive
And I know that we'll stand
And we'll fight for our land
And I swear that my bairns
Will be born free

NotaPublicado: Dom Dic 12, 2010 2:09 am 
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Registrado: Vie Ago 06, 2010 5:00 am
Mensajes: 23
No! Por favor que siga todo bien! Te tengo que ver en vivo King!

NotaPublicado: Dom Dic 12, 2010 2:20 am 

Registrado: Sab Ago 07, 2010 11:56 pm
Mensajes: 3632
El rey NO muere!

NotaPublicado: Dom Dic 12, 2010 5:50 am 
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Registrado: Jue Ago 05, 2010 1:59 am
Mensajes: 2423
Ubicación: Detras del Universo
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! me pegué un cagazooooo!!!!! no te mueras king!!!!!!

muerte de mierda no te lleves a king diamond sin que pase por aca!!!!

hija de puta!

NotaPublicado: Dom Dic 12, 2010 12:49 pm 
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Registrado: Vie Oct 29, 2010 9:00 am
Mensajes: 492
Que garron che, no sabia nada.
Bue por suerte salio todo bien, a esperar que se mejore.

NotaPublicado: Dom Dic 12, 2010 1:08 pm 
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Registrado: Jue Jul 29, 2010 8:17 pm
Mensajes: 219
Fuerzas KING ! :metal:
Ojala en algun momento tenga la oportunidad de verlo en vivo !

NotaPublicado: Dom Dic 12, 2010 3:00 pm 

Registrado: Jue Ago 05, 2010 10:22 am
Mensajes: 181
Ubicación: Munro, Vicente López, Buenos Aires, Argentina
nooo que bajón!!!
fuerza KING!!! recuperate que quiero volver a escucharte!


NotaPublicado: Dom Dic 12, 2010 3:03 pm 
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Registrado: Vie Jul 30, 2010 8:14 am
Mensajes: 2466
Ubicación: Capital Federal
Uh como safo

Que se mejoree :salud:


Remember, proud brothers... everything is possible...
when you let the mystic power of the dragonflame burn in your heart, believe it...
It's the dragonflame!!!

NotaPublicado: Dom Dic 12, 2010 3:19 pm 

Registrado: Mar Ago 10, 2010 11:57 pm
Mensajes: 70
pobre king, ojala se recupere rapido

NotaPublicado: Dom Dic 12, 2010 3:53 pm 
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Registrado: Mié Ago 04, 2010 8:51 pm
Mensajes: 922
Ubicación: Santa Fe Capital, Santa Fe
Que siga y haga un disco conceptual sobre esto :_E: La experiencia le debe dar una inspiracion terrible :_E:

:viking: Lheikhov The Wolf :_Ewg:

Inteligencia Militar Son Dos Terminos Contrapuestos (Groucho Marx)
Es Mejor Tener Un Pasado Breve Que Un Futuro Escaso (Joaquin Salvador Lavado - "Quino")
Estoy Completamente A Favor De La Separación Entre La Iglesia Y El Estado. Mi Idea Es Que Estas Dos Instituciones Nos Han Jodido Bastante Cada Una Por Su Cuenta, Así Que Las Dos Juntas Serían La Muerte (George Carlin)

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